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veryant cobol

COBOL to Java conversions

Move from a COBOL to Java runtime with ease using Veryant's migration tools.

Pathway to Java

Veryant allows for full stack conversion from existing COBOL products and into a Java enviroment.

Java integration

Expose your COBOL applications to the Java world and gain access to new tools and plugins to add new power to your programs.

Web enablement

Veryant allows for your existing COBOL applications to be deployed in a fully interactive web environment.

Moving from ACUCOBOL-GT

A complete range of Micro Focus® extend® replacement products, and 'acu-friendly' migration features. Veryant offers a seamless transition and stable path forward for ACUCOBOL-GT users.

Moving from Micro Focus COBOL

Move from Micro Focus® COBOL platforms such as Micro Focus Server Express™ and Net Express® to a modern Java environment with Veryant.

Moving from RM/COBOL

With a rich number of features expressly developed for RM/COBOL® users, isCOBOL Evolve from Veryant offers a seamless and stable migration to a modern Java environment.

Globalization and localization

Bringing Unicode support and multi-language localization features to COBOL makes it easy for your applications to be deployed on a global scale.

Vision for the future

Veryant has over 500 customers worldwide and a strong commitment to long term growth and development. Give your applications a safe and stable future in a Veryant Java environment.

Multi-platform capability

Make your COBOL programs run on any platform that the Java Virtual Machine is available on with a single compile.

ISAM file system

100% multi-platform and compact Java-based indexed sequential access file system that supports virtually unlimited file systems.

RDBMS data access

Use ESQL/JDBC to access any data source, and move from ISAM to RDBMS.

Database bridge

Use Veryant's RAD tool to generate an ESQL interface from COBOL file descriptors, and quickly move between ISAM and RDBMS without code changes.

JDBC/ODBC data access

Access ISAM files as if they were a relational database, and use ODBC/JDBC to access any supporting file system.

C-Tree RTG for COBOL

Add true SQL power to your ISAM / COBOL applications.

Dedicated application server

Pick your choice of deployment with Veryant. Both local or distributed deployments are supported and take advantage of isCOBOL multi-threaded application server and load balancer.

Safeguard the future of your COBOL application

Keep developing in COBOL or move to Java at your own pace

Join the Java community

The Java community has thousands of quality open source libraries that are perfect for your COBOL application.

Make third-party integrations a breeze

Most large service providers have a ready to go Java SDK which makes integrating easy. Leverage their work to get ahead of the competition.

Focus on improving your application

With Veryant you can spend more time improving your application and less time ensuring compatability with modern systems.

Web REST and Stateful API tools

Easily write APIs that allow you to layer new technologies on top of legacy COBOL applications.

Want to know more?

Book a demo today

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Where to find us

Suite 2

25 Victoria Crescent

Mount Barker, 5251


(08) 8471 0822

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